
Join the International Festival Of Fair Trade Walks


Walking has long been used as a campaigning method for Fair Trade. This Festival aims to celebrate, consolidate and build upon the experiences of past and present Fair Trade. Look at the map and join the international Festival Of Fair Trade Walks in your country.


When does the Festival take place?

The Festival will run from 1 March to 30 April 2017. Organise your walk on whichever day suits you in this two-month period. Fairtrade Fortnight runs in March and may provide a nice backdrop for your walk/event.  



Tell us about your walk so we can map it!

IMPORTANT: All of this information will be made public so please do not give any email addresses or telephone numbers that you do not want in the public domain.

The information from this page will be transferred to the Google map by staff and volunteers at the Scottish Fair Trade Forum. We have to manually update the map - so please give us a few working days to do so!

Please read more here.

Any problems or questions, mailto: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.