
Int. FTTs Steering Committee

When the number of national campaigns increased to 24 the International Fair Trade Towns Steering Committee  was set up primarily to ensure networking and communication between the national Fair Trade Town coordinators. Along with the International Fair Trade Towns Ambassador the Steering Committee members (see Contacts) represent a wide range of Fair Trade Organisations and geographical locations. The initial members of the committee were approved by the assembled National Coordinators at the International Fair Trade Towns conference in Poznan, Poland after a call for volunteers to serve and the first Steering Committee meeting took place the following year in February 2013.

Below you can download documents relating to the International Fair Trade Towns Steering Committee including the International Fair Trade Town Guidelines first developed at the National Coordintaors meeting in Brussels in April 2009.

The 2019 revised Guidelines to support the development of new national Fair Trade Town campaigns.

Application Form to be completed and returned to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in order to be considered to host an International Fair Trade Towns conference. 

Information and guidelines for use in making an application to host an International Fair Trade Towns conference.

If you have any questions, you can contact the committee on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Terms of Reference for IFTTC SC agreed at the National Coordinators’ Meeting on 19 October 2018, Madrid. Document describes the mission, role, membership and structure of the Steering Committee.

The 2015 revised Guidelines to support the development of new national Fair Trade Town campaigns.