
Students get involved in the Arroyos and Esteros campaign


On 27 of September, the local committee of the campaign in Arroyos y Esteros, led by the Cooperative Manduvirá and with the support of Zulma Britez from the Regional Secretariat of WFTO-AL, carried out various workshops for young people from the public schools Carlos A. Lopez and Don Octavio Rivarola, both from Arroyos y Esteros. 

In the frame of the regional campaign “Ciudades y Pueblos Latinoamericanos por el Comercio Justo”, the students were able to learn more about the Fair Trade movement, its principles and values, and the campaign that is also taking place in the region. 

Arroyos y Esteros is the first city in Paraguay to begin a local campaign. As part of the campaign promotion, the local committee invited the young students to participate in a contest organized by the Manduvirá Cooperative, to represent with drawings the Fair Trade principles. Activity to which the young people committed themselves with much enthusiasms. 

Young students are actively participating in the activities carried out by the campaign committee in Arroyos y Esteros. Among them, in the framework of a project organized by the same schools, the young people are exhibitors of products in the organic fair of the city. This fair is held once a month and is an excellent opportunity for the students of Arroyos y Esteros to connect with both producers and consumers, the visible faces of the fair and solidary relationships in Arroyos y Esteros.