
Korea has become the 30th country to have Fair Trade Towns


The year 2017 has been a turning point in Korean Fair Trade Towns campaign.

In April the Korea Fair Trade Towns Steering Committee (KFTTSC) was reorganized and it appointed Maria Youngsin Lim as the National Coordinator. Following the International Guidelines for FTTs, the KFTTSC has set 5 goals and criteria for Fair Trade Towns in Korea, adopting the "Big Tent" approach engaging various stakeholders such as FTOs, local activists, Consumers' Cooperatives, NGOs and Fairtrade Korea.

Then in June, Bucheon, supported by Fairtrade Korea, became the first self-declared Fair Trade City. In October, Incheon, which had had a vibrant FTT movement since 2010, was officially recognized as the first Fair Trade City in Korea by KFTTSC. The International Fair Trade Towns Steering Committee member Tatsuya Watanabe is going to attend the celebration event of Incheon Fair Trade City on November 24th. 

International FTTSC sends its congratulations to the wonderful achievement of the Korean Fair Trade Towns campaign and looks forward to working with the KFTTSC, the official representative of Korea, in the spirit of further promoting the "Big Tent" approach in the country.