
International Fair Trade Towns Campaign Steering Committee - Nomination process for five regional representatives is open! (DEADLINE EXPIRED)




On 18 October 2018 the new Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the International Fair Trade Town Steering Committee (Steering Committee) were approved. The new ToRs are the basis of the nomination process for its Steering Committee members.

The temporary working group on the governance of the International Fair Trade Towns Campaign[1] (temporary working group) met on 31 January 2019 and defined the nomination process, in line with the new ToRs adopted on 19 October 2018.

The temporary working group agreed to establish a Nominating Committee. In order to have a balanced approach, avoid conflict of interest situations and create the option for current Steering Committee members to be candidates for the new Steering Committee, the Nominating Committee is composed of the current members of the temporary working group with the exception of those who presently serve on the current Steering Committee (see list of Nominating Committee members below).

The Nominating Committee members will act with impartiality and in the spirit of the “Big Tent” approach. You can find the Steering Committee Guidelines for Fair Trade Towns of February 2015 here

The new Steering Committee will consist of 5-9 members in total. 5 of them will be national coordinators representing each of the 5 following global regions:  1. Africa & Middle-East, 2. Asia-Pacific and Oceania (incl. Australia and New Zealand), 3. Europe, 4. Latin America & Caribbean (incl. Mexico) & 5. USA & Canada.


The Nominating Committee invites nominations for the 5 seats of national Fair Trade Towns coordinators to serve as regional representatives in the new Steering Committee (1 per region).

Ideally, national coordinators for each region should discuss amongst themselves and aim at nominating one individual to take up the role of regional representative. In this case, nominations should be submitted collectively by a group (or all) of national coordinators.

If there is no recognized national coordinator in a given region, or if there is no consensus amongst national coordinators of a region on which person to nominate, national coordinators can also self-nominate.

In case there is more than one nomination from the same region, the Nominating Committee will take a decision on the basis of the experience of the nominees and the number of national coordinators that support each nomination.

In case there is no nomination from a specific region, the Nominating Committee will appoint a person representing a regional coordinating body or a Fair Trade movement stakeholder who represents that region to serve on the Steering Committee until such time as a national coordinator is available to take that guaranteed seat for her or his region.

Once the Nominating Committee has received and evaluated applications, it will contact the selected persons to confirm that they formally accept the nomination and therefore become members of the new Steering Committee.

The Nominating Committee will also initiate in due course a process for the applications for the 2 additional seats of partner organisations supporting the global Fair Trade Towns movement in line with the qualifying criteria as laid down in the ToRs under point 4) c) ii) (2).

The names of the new Steering Committee members will be announced before the next IFTTC-Conference (Cardiff, Wales, UK, 18-20 October 2019) on the www.fairtradetowns.org website.

Once the new Steering Committee is in place, it will decide whether or not to open a nomination process for two additional members, as laid down in the ToRs.

Nominating Committee:

Merling Preza (Fairtrade International)
Sophie Tack (World Fair Trade Organization)
Rudi Dalvai (World Fair Trade Organization)
Matthias Kuhlmann (Fairtrade International)
Sergi Corbalan (Fair Trade Advocacy Office)

(Updated) Application deadline: 31 May 2019 close of office. [EXPIRED]

How to apply: Kindly complete the details in this form below and send to Sergi Corbalán (Fair Trade Advocacy Office) by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

[1] Temporary working group composed of Merling Preza (FI), Sophie Tack (WFTO), Rudi Dalvai (WFTO), Matthias Kuhlmann (FI), Luis Heller (current Steering Committee member), and William Goldsmith (current Steering Committee member), facilitated by Sergi Corbalán (FTAO).