


Fair Trade Town Standards of Japan

The following six Standards were approved by the General Assembly of the Fair Trade Town, Japan and immediately put into effect on May 14th, 2011.

Standard 1: Establishing Fair Trade Steering Organization and Broadening Support Base A local Fair Trade steering organization, comprising representatives of various sectors and fields in the local community, is established so as to sustainably develop the Fair Trade Town movement and to broaden support base in the community.

Standard 2: Expanding the Fair Trade Town Movement and Raising Awareness of Citizens A wide array of promotional events and campaigns are undertaken and covered by media including newspapers, TVs and radio so that interest in and understanding of Fair Trade is enhanced among citizens of the community.

Standard 3: Permeating into Civil Society Local civil society, i.e. community organizations and businesses (workplaces), subscribe to Fair Trade, progressively use Fair Trade products and strive to spread the message of Fair Trade across externally as well as internally.

Standard 4: Contributing to Revitalization of Local Community Collaboration is sought with local initiatives that promote local consumption of local products, community development endeavors, environmental actions and welfare of the handicapped and the other disadvantaged, among the others, with a view to contribute to revitalization of local production, local economy, local society, and to strengthening of social bond within the community.

Standard 5: Making Fair Trade Products Available at Local Shops A range of Fair Trade products are sold and served by local shops, restaurants and other commercial outlets. Fair Trade products here consist of Fairtrade labeled goods, products carried by member organizations of WFTO and those handled by Fair Trade organizations that are recognized as appropriate by the local steering organization. Note: “Appropriate” Fair Trade organizations are those that commit to either the 10 principles espoused by WFTO or the 5 principles jointly developed and agreed to by WFTO and FLO, and at the same time those that maintain transparency of their activities. Note: A town with a population of less than 30,000 needs to have at least two commercial outlets selling/serving two or more Fair Trade products, and a town with a population of 30,000 or more is required to have at minimum one such commercial outlet per 10,000 inhabitants. In either case, a town must have at least one Fair Trade shop (a shop whose primary objective is to promote Fair Trade).

Standard 6: Having Local Government Support Fair Trade The local council passes a resolution in favor of Fair Trade and the elected head of the local executive body makes an official statement in support of Fair Trade. The local government as a whole takes steps to promote Fair Trade and Fair Trade products within itself.

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