


The Six Goals for Australia are:

1.    The Town’s Council passes a resolution stating council’s support for Fair Trade and commits to working towards meeting the remaining minimum requirements within 12 months.

2.    Fair Trade tea and coffee (Fairtrade certified coffee and tea in Australia) is served as the default option through council’s central procurement (meetings, in offices, and in tea rooms and canteens).

3.    A Fair Trade Steering Group is convened to further the understanding and use of Fair Trade within the local area.

4.    A range of Fair Trade products are readily available in the area’s shops and supermarkets and are served in local cafés and catering establishments.

5.    There must be a number of other recognised Fair Trade Communities within the Council area (including, schools, faith groups, workplaces and other organisations).

6.    The Council provides education and promotion about Fair Trade to its staff and constituency.

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