


In October 2016, the Local Committee of Riobamba establishes to meet the following criteria:

  1. Declare the commitment with fair trade and the Fair Trade Towns Campaign;
  2. Promote public procurement of products produced by small producers and Fair Trade organizations of Riobamba;
  3. Strengthen sale’s points where citizens can find Fair Trade products;
  4. Unite efforts to sensitize teachers and professors of schools and universities on solidarity economy, Fair Trade and responsible consumption. Promote the “Latin American Universities for Fair Trade” campaign and the institutional procurement of fair trade products in educational centers;
  5. Develop events, educational and awareness campaigns to promote local and international Fair Trade; among them the “World Fair Trade Day”.
  6. Raise awareness and advocacy actions at local level, and articulate the relation of the local committee with the regional campaign.

Please find the original version of the declaration (Spanish) here.

In November 2016, the Local Committe of Quito declared the city First National Latin American Capital City for Fair Trade.