9 Lebanese Fair Trade Villages awarded status ahead of the International Fair Trade Towns Conference in Baskinta

Baskinta becomes a Fair Trade Village in Lebanon
Baskinta, Menjez, Abra, Ain Ebel, Baysariyeh, Fourzol, Mhaidthe, Saidoun and Kfar Tebnit were officially awarded Fair Trade Village status by Fair Trade Lebanon on 5th June 2016 ahead of the International Fair Trade Towns conference to be held in Baskinta on 2nd and 3rd July. The conference hosted by Fair Trade Lebanon will be the first to be held in the global south and will provide a boost for the emerging Fair Trade Towns initiatives in the Middle East and Africa.
Menjez lies on the northern Lebanese-Syrian border and led by their Mayor self declared as Lebanon's first Fair Trade Village on 9th May 2013. With the recent declarartions there are currently nine Fair Trade Villages in Lebanon 'Building Bridges' between and within communities to promote Fair Trade and trade justice.