
Goals & Action Guides

The people of Garstang, UK made a statement to the world when they declared their community as the world's first Fair Trade Town in April 2000, but what did it mean? Following the declaration the Fairtrade Foundation along with grassroots campaigners in the region formulated the criteria required in order to become a Fairtrade Town in the UK. These became known as the Five Core Goals and form the foundation stone for all international Fair Trade Town campaigns today.

The Five Core Goals are:

1. Local council passes a Resolution supporting Fair Trade and agreeing to use Fair Trade products.

2. Fair Trade products are readily available in the area’s shops & served in local cafes/catering establishments.

3. Fair Trade products are used by a number of local work places & community organisations (faith groups, schools, universities etc).

4. Attract media coverage & popular support for the campaign.

5. A local Fair Trade steering group is convened to ensure continued commitment to its Fair Trade Town status.


Click on the flags below to discover the five goals used in each country and where available download the national Fair Trade Town Action Guide.


