Calls for applications for a sub-grant

In the framework of the EU DEAR Project 'Trade Fair, Live Fair: Raising Awareness and Mobilizing the European Public to Advance Consumption patterns that Nurture the Sustainable Development Goals' (TFLF), a sub-grant facility has been put in place, to enable organisations and local authorities that are not formally part of the project, to participate.
If interested, you are invited to participate in the following calls for proposals.
Sub-grant facility for innovative partnerships between CSOs and Local Authorities, managed by the Fair Trade Advocacy Office.
The overall objective of this sub-grant facility is to support small advocacy projects implemented through partnerships between local authorities (LAs) and civil society organizations (CSOs), with the aim to promote sustainable production and consumption.
Deadline for application submission is 29 March 2019 by 17:00 CET.
All information related to the sub-grant facility can be found under this link.
To help you find potential partners for this sub-grant facility, we have developed a match-making document, available here:
Contact person: Fabienne Yver, Fair Trade Advocacy Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Please note, TFLF consortium members are not eligible to receive the sub-grants.