18th International Fair Trade Towns Conference
2025-08-30 2025-08-31

International Fair Trade Towns Conference 2025 Edinburgh 30-31 August
We are delighted to invite you to the 18th International Fair Trade Towns Conference that will take place in Edinburgh on 30-31 August this year.
Following a successful application by Edinburgh Fairtrade City Group to Fair Trade Towns International, Scottish Fair Trade is delighted to be working in partnership to host Your Town, Our World: Fair Trade Communities & Local Action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
We hope you will be interested to find out more about the conference and book tickets to join an international delegation of Fair Trade campaigners, supporters, enterprises and producers working for fair and sustainable trade. As the world’s second only Fair Trade Nation, we look forward to seeing strong support for this international event from many sectors of Scottish society.
We very much hope to see you in August in Edinburgh at this dynamic and important international event where we’ll continue to be inspired by Fair Trade as an alternative model that drives enterprise, equality and fair opportunity, and the wellbeing of local communities and environmental protection. Never more important as global poverty, the climate crisis, conflict and inequality continue.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
And from the website: https://edinburghifttc.com/
Here is the ticket platform: https://buytickets.at/scottishfairtrade/1510006